
A Very Warm Welcome

SDC Therapy offers a blended therapeutic service of face-face, Online and Telephone counselling to young people and adults going through psychological, emotional and relational crises.

How Can I Help

Face-Face Adult

We all go through seasons in our life that are unexpected and challenging. SDC Therapy offers a quiet and confidential space where clients can explore these difficulties together with the counsellor and chart a way forward.

Young People

There is an unprecedented amount of pressure on today’s generation of young people. SDC therapy offers a place for 11-18 yr olds to feel heard and understood; empowering them to adapt healthy coping strategies whilst exploring issues they face.

Online & Telephone

You can access therapeutic counselling in the comfort of your own home. Online and telephone sessions are available for adults and young people within the UK at the same rate as face-face therapeutic counselling.

Our Belief

Every individual is unique and has a purpose.

SDC Therapy believes in offering therapeutic support that is tailored to each client’s individual needs whilst providing them with suitable conditions to help bring about therapeutic change.

SDC Therapy is committed to providing a safe environment where clients feel valued, respected and listened to without judgement. The clients well-being and safety is prioritised at all times. We work with the clients best interest at heart and in partnership with other relevant authorities to safeguard children and vulnerable adults from harm.

*COVID-19 Statement*

Online and telephone sessions are available. Alternatively, rooms for face-face counselling are set up in keeping with safe distancing and hygiene guidance protocols.